Why Kids Should Try Horseback Riding

Has your child asked about riding horses? Horseback riding offers many benefits to help your child develop valuable life skills.


It’s a workout for the mind and body.
Riding a horse or pony is a great way for kids to get off the sofa and out into fresh air. Riding works many muscles and it requires strength, stamina, and coordination. It can also help reduce anxiety as kids bond with their horse.


It teaches life lessons.
Falling off and getting back on a horse teaches children perseverance and patience. Learning how to ride is a lifelong activity, Riding gives kids the chance to set goals, then work towards them.


It develops self-confidence.
Meeting a horse for the first time can be one of the most intimidating things to a small child. Being around these big, beautiful animals helps kids confront their fears with confidence. As their horse riding skills develop, they’ll feel like they’re on top of the world!


It teaches responsibility.
Looking after a horse or pony is hard work. Children learn skills like grooming, feeding, and cleaning to make sure their horse is healthy and happy. It also helps children understand how to put others before themselves and how to be kind and compassionate to animals.


It enhances social skills.
If you choose horseback riding as a regular activity for your child, they will eventually meet new friends. Attending group riding lessons or participating in horse camps means your child will have a set of friends outside of school.


It’s open to everyone!
Boys, girls, adults—and its especially great for kids with special needs. Therapeutic riding programs are offered at many equestrian centers. Find a program near you by visiting www.socalequine.com under the ‘Health Care’ tab.


Ready to have your child try horse riding? Check out Kidsguide’s list of horse ranches, equestrian centers, and trail rides.

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